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LMD025 - M1921 Medium Tank

LMD025 - M1921 Medium Tank

The United States' M1921 Medium Tank was a one off experimental design that later served as the bases for the M1921 T-1. An interesting subject of interwar armor that, as far as I know, has yet to be made in either plastic or resin.

Some Features:
- Link & length style tracks
- Lower part count for faster printing and building
- Main gun and MG are pose-able with about 30 degrees of total elevation


Included Files:
34 .stl files and one instruction .pdf in a zip file.
Total size: 900mb

Largest Part Dimensions:
Width: 2" (50mm)
Height: 1.4" (36mm)
Length: 6.8" (172mm)

Recommended Resins:
No specific resins required

Regular price $5.00
Regular price Sale price $5.00
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